Lindsay Padilla, online teaching, learning expert, responds
This interview took place on June 25, 2020.
Lindsay and I first met online before we met in person in New York City and then again in San Diego. Breaking out of the world of academia into entrepreneurship as an online course creator and mentor, she has plenty to say about how things are changing for college professors in the time of COVID.
Guest bio:
Dr. Lindsay Padilla is the ex-professor-turned-entrepreneur behind On Course Social, the dynamic prompt calendar tool, and Build a Better Beta, an online program that helps experts and educators alike launch their first courses quickly and easily. She is also the CEO and co-founder of Hello Audio, which takes your content and creates private audio feeds to make consumption easier for your people!
All of her frameworks were born out of her tenure-track years teaching adults online at a community college, the ridiculous amount of learning she's done in all things education, and the years spent growing her course creation business online.
With this unique background, she is also the rambunctious host of the Wealthy Teachers Podcast, which covers the business of teaching online.
Sally Hendrick (00:09):
News stories were coming in about this strange virus in Wuhan China. It was weeks before we saw the first cases in the US as the numbers went up each day. My curiosity got the best of me, and I started plotting the curves here's stories from real people all over the world and how they've responded. I'm Sally Hendrick, founder of Shout Your Cause and this is COVID-19 the world responds.
Sally Hendrick (00:39):
Hello, Lindsay. Padilla. How are you doing today? I'm doing great. How are you? I'm good. I want to hear about you what you've been doing. We've known each other for a few years now, but I know that we are in this online entrepreneurial world and life keeps changing. So give me an update, particularly in 2020, if we're being real here.
Lindsay Padilla (01:02):
Yeah, yeah, yeah. So man, Sally goes, Sally is like one of the first people I met online. If I'm being honest, like we met in [inaudible] program. I mean, that literally was one of the first things I ever purchased. So we've been around each other for a while and we haven't caught up in a while. So it's really, it feels really refreshing to see your face. So yeah, what have I been up to? So I teach people how to create courses and I have a program that helps them launch their first course really quickly and focus on their teaching and the things that they want to do and not the boring stuff.
Sally Hendrick (01:39):
And so that's been a journey and, you know, my business model has changed over the last four years in so many ways, but when I first started yeah, I was doing services and I was, you know, helping people teach better but [inaudible] program. That's not what I bought it for. I thought it was a health coach, so it's always fun and always an amazing journey of [inaudible]. I mean, it's kind of, I actually, who was saying that it's either health coaching or like life coaching, that that is an entry point for lots of women into this industry. So it makes sense. Yeah. And then they move into what they really want to do. Yeah. They get that transformation, whether I had a health transformation personally, and I was a beach body coach. So mine was actually through network marketing and yeah.
Lindsay Padilla (02:24):
And so I think it was funny because I was a professor. So I always say in my introduction to like, I'm an accidental entrepreneur because I was a professor of sociology at a community college. And I, that was my dream job. Like no joke my whole life. And when I had the gaping hole of no more education and like dissertation and research and all that stuff, Oh, maybe I should like work out or something. And then that was network marketing. And so when I found Kimra, Kimra, it was, it was very, it was like, Oh, well, like online I've helped people like get healthy. So therefore that's my business. And like, if they want to buy shakeO or whatever, cause that's what I was selling. They can, but I'm not going to lead with that. And I'm not going to be dependent on a network marketing company to like, make decisions about like what I was allowed to sell.
Lindsay Padilla (03:14):
So that was like the first thing in my head and then go down the rabbit hole of like, how could I do this better? And I find out, Oh, I could just sell my own thing. And so I was a teacher and I taught online for all of those 10 years of teaching. Yeah. And so I was able to help entrepreneurs teach better. And so that's always been the core.
Sally Hendrick (03:34):
Yeah. What's in our brains. Yeah. Which is really cool too. Yeah. I felt like, Oh wow, I've landed on planet Facebook. And it is so different corporate world because you come from academia, but I came from deep, deep, deep corporate. I was in a consulting firm that was small, but the corporate clients that we had dealt with really big, so my life was in slaved to the bottom line.
Lindsay Padilla (04:10):
And I was actually just on another podcast interview. I tend to batch them and we talked about how the idea of academia, actually, I didn't realize that some of my core beliefs about what I wanted to do with my, my life, I love teaching. So I've maintained that. But I also liked the autonomy and there being a professor has a lot of autonomy, not as much as K-12. But I was able to have half my teaching load online. And so I knew that life, I was about that life where I only had to go on campus two days a week you know, get inside. I, from some of my fellow professors and actually a lot of unions make it like a rule that you still have to come on, but that's a whole other story. But yeah, summers off and like, you know, I'm taking sales calls in my office.
Lindsay Padilla (04:57):
Like they didn't know that my last semester. So yeah, I was, it was a flexible job. It was very autonomous and I got to do basically whatever I wanted in my classroom. So when I did it to entrepreneurship, I didn't realize that that was also what, the same thing that attracted me to being a college professor. And so I think that has always been a part of it. It was just, I just wanted like a salary and healthcare. You know, I grew up with a father who had, was an independent contractor. I never saw him as an entrepreneur, but he totally was. And it was a lot of up and down. And so I went for stability, like as fast as I could and then face to face looking at that choice between risk and stability and ended up on the risk side again. I don't think I'm going back either. Yeah.
Sally Hendrick (05:46):
Yeah. I don't think I am either. I did have a little bit of a moment in 2018. I kind of remember that I backed up. Yeah. I don't remember
Sally Hendrick (05:58):
When we talked or, or how much you knew about that. But my mother had died in December of 2017 and she had been sick for 16 years wheelchair six years. So it's like really, really difficult situation. And I honestly thought, and this was so weird, this big opportunity landed in my lap and she died in the same week. Now the opportunity though was going to make me, have to bust my butt for the next couple of months to get ready for it. And I, I was like all in, you know, but something happened where, when she died and all this stuff got taken off my shoulders, I was a raw hurt person underneath and didn't have the capability to move into that. And I ended up pulling myself out of it. I made up some excuse, but you know, I exited, excuse me, but it was weird. It was really weird. So I, I even had my resume ready to go. Oh wow. And all of those things and, and, but it all, all, it felt so wrong. It felt wrong. And so I just decided to keep sitting on that and I drove for Lyft for three months.
Lindsay Padilla (07:25):
Wow. Yep. Making it work.
Sally Hendrick (07:31):
Let me COVID. You know, we're getting to coming up on a new surge here, so, well, that's what we're going to talk about too here in just a second. So if you have you thought about going back to teach and, and have you done any wavering?
Lindsay Padilla (07:48):
Great question. No, I personally haven't, but, and I don't think, I, I really don't think I will. I'll say this, like having the degree I have and the, and I had a tenure track position. I didn't get tenure. I was literally a year, a year and a half outside of tenure. You know, so leaving before 10 years, like a whole other conversation, but we did it anyways. My husband left the semester before he was actually a year ahead of me got his job. So we both were like F that, like, we don't need tenure.
Lindsay Padilla (08:19):
However, like our degree wasn't going to blow up. We, you know, they, we couldn't "unhave" that experience or anything like that. So that mitigated a little bit of my fear where I was like, okay, worst case scenario, we go back. We're not completely not marketable in the industry. And so that helped us make that decision to leave. And we were younger in our career as well, I guess a little bit. So fast forward to no joke, like end of last year, last quarter, or, sorry, not last quarter. Cause now we're 62 quarters into, into 2020 and 30th is around the corner. Okay. Here we go. Yeah. So last quarter of last year, quarter four was the worst quarter I've ever had in business for various reasons last year? Yeah, so like 2019, like basically October through December was just rough.
Lindsay Padilla (09:17):
And and on the flip side of that, where we were coming into the best quarters I've ever had. So all to be said that, that some of those moments that we had my husband was like, actually I think I might want to go back. And I was okay with that. And I was like, I can't like, I just, I can't go through the application process and like that kind of stuff. So Derek did, he actually spent that end of last year looking at job postings and the way it works is yeah, there's like higher a jobs of US. And then there's also like California community college, like job bank. So he resubscribed back to those things and had stuff on his radar, but he wasn't like, we're not going to move to the middle of nowhere just so I can work.
Lindsay Padilla (10:04):
And I, and we were like, okay, cool. Cause that is a part of it, right. Is like colleges are lots of different places. And so if you get a good one in a good spot you've, you've hit a jackpot. So funnily enough two of the jobs were in our, in not in, well, one was in San Diego, MiraCosta was hiring and they're literally the top paying college in the state of California and always something on the top of the cause it's always public information what people get paid. And so I was like, Oh, that was always the dream college like that you wanted to teach at. Cause they got paid so well. And then I think Santa Monica city college also had an opening. So yeah. So what I've been expenses from a rent perspective. So it rolls into January, February.
Lindsay Padilla (10:50):
We launched a new product. I completely restructure my business all in positive ways. And he's now facing job interviews in a time where things were looking really positive. And I was like, okay, cool. Do you still want to do it? And he's like, yeah, I think so. And then COVID hit actually and Santa Monica city got back. He was supposed to interview the last week in March for both jobs in North County, San Diego and then Santa Monica, Santa Monica came back and said actually with everything going on, we are not even hiring for that position anymore. It's going on hold. And the other position said, yes, we're hiring, but it's now a zoom call. And I'm like, Oh, they're freaking. And I'm like, and Derek's gonna look so good. Like we have a mic. He like taught in front of a black [inaudible].
Lindsay Padilla (11:37):
So he prepares and he ends up not getting it in in a different way. Like so the it's always two steps, usually two steps, sometimes three, but the first step is a teaching demo and an interview usually with about four or five faculty and admin. And then next step is often the vice president and, and likely the president as well. If you make it to the top, like two or three people. So we didn't make it to that second level, which we thought he would, but it was really fascinating to write a cover letter, do the application and not and have to defend why you were out for three years, I guess is what I'm trying to say. Like where, and so that, so now we're at this point and he ended up not getting it, but that was also early in COVID and everything that was happening.
Lindsay Padilla (12:28):
However we knew, and I know you were posting a lot about what was going on and we were following numbers.
Sally Hendrick (12:33):
taken in on February the fourth in Ecuador. Wow.
Lindsay Padilla (12:38):
Lots of people were paying attention that early. So yeah, we were shut down by the end of March, but we knew what was coming, but I don't think we really sat with what was going to happen from an education standpoint as much they were scrambling. And we now, like now we're looking back, he like actually is like, I don't think I ever want to go back and we've launched a software and I'm sure we'll talk about that, but I don't think I ever want to go back because, Oh my gosh, could you imagine being a brand new professor walking into this fall? Like what a shit show? And even this whole last spring, I know that these faculty member had to work their asses off and were having so many things thrown at them.
Lindsay Padilla (13:21):
So where the admin, so where everyone, and it's like, Oh, when I was, you know, teaching in your, in your year three, like of teaching, you start to get like a great system going and it's not stuff doesn't take as long, but when you got something like that for on your way, you're having extra meetings, extra decisions, extra like expectations, and you're not getting paid for it. What's happening is they're not getting stipends or any sort of extra increases in pay. And they literally are in survival mode, both their students and their faculty. So every week I just, it just, it can't be a positive working environment I guess, is what I'm getting at. And I feel for them, but I also am like what a blessing and like, and so, yeah, he was ready to go back. We were like excited to have maybe that stable income and like healthcare.
Lindsay Padilla (14:12):
And then now fast forward, you know, four months later where we're at now it doesn't even make sense for him to go back and and we have a lot of other things that we're working on now. So I think it was, he flirted with it and we got close played with that scenario. And but no, not, not gonna happen anytime soon. I doubt.
Sally Hendrick (14:38):
So let's go back to the software thing you brought up. I launched something to,
Lindsay Padilla (14:43):
Oh, did you? How fun? What is it really well,
Sally Hendrick (14:48):
We call the Sales Generator part. Cool.
Lindsay Padilla (14:51):
I said, we're barely two. We did lifetime licenses. We're about a month out of the actual software. So
Sally Hendrick (14:55):
Yeah. Yeah, mine is, it's a little different I wrote the macro myself and, but I, and I have to do something with the information once somebody submits their stuff. So there's like one little delay, but it also gives me the opportunity to read through people's stuff. Because the work I do with people is so deep that I like having that information. It makes, it makes it much easier for me to get them into my mastermind. Oh, nice. Yeah. Perfect. Yeah. Sweet. So what is it, are you doing, Oh, are you doing monthly right now? Like monthly, like membership to it or whatever. I have a monthly membership that I've had since 2016 and it has morphed over the years, if you will, as to what all I teach. And it was almost like I would teach things from the beginning of somebody starting a business.
Sally Hendrick (15:57):
And then I was teaching things about scaling, but the in between not quite there yet. And so I had to kind of go fill in the blanks and that's where the software comes in, huge boost for the middle piece. Nice. And really helps you create your your purpose and your messaging, things like that. And then you can develop your sales funnel a heck of a lot faster. Nice, cool. Yeah. And then now I'm working on templates, which I've got, got them ready to go. And so now when people buy the Sales Funnel Generator, then they're also going to get Paint by Number, take this answer, place it here, the perfect, you know, that kind of thing. So, you know, it's not like overnight like that, but it gives people like this framework that otherwise they wouldn't have
Lindsay Padilla (16:57):
People need the like bumper, like the bowling alley bumpers, bowling alley bumpers. Definitely. Tell me about yours. I want to hear what she does. So our product is called the Hello Audio. And we're actually all about taking any of your content courses, memberships, events, summits premium stuff usually. And we're turning them into private audio feeds that actually play in your customer's podcast player. So the, the, what we've noticed over the last four years and everyone talks about it. It's not that new is that a lot of people don't finish their courses, right? So they had every intention of like tuning into every group coaching call and watch every second of the videos. And you know, those rates are abysmal for the most part. And so I spent a lot of my four years helping people improve those. And we noticed, you know, people would ask things like they would be focused so much on things like PowerPoints and all that stuff.
Lindsay Padilla (17:55):
And so I built a program, BBB Build a Better Beta, which is about not working and focusing on those kinds of things and religious focusing on teaching that helped strip that away. And then we just started realizing that we decided to make a feed for our students of all the material that they could just then binge and listen to while they're walking their dog. So we created that and my husband, I kind of went to him and I was like, is there something here? Like, do we teach people how to create their own private feeds? Cause it's possible. It's a little convoluted in something like Libsyn, for example, but it's there, it's just not made for folks like us for, for you know, digital product creators for marketers. It's not set up for us. It was set up for podcasting publicly.
Sally Hendrick (18:43):
And that's part of this because how can you keep it behind that?
Lindsay Padilla (18:49):
So some of the nuances of the product, so yeah, so you can, and like the private feed, what we're doing is generating a unique student URL. So like Sally buys my thing, it's this URL with this kind of off code on the backend. So when I say XYZ, whatever. So it's, Sally's there's little nuances that we're doing. So it it is not searchable on Google, so the podcast won't come up. It, it obviously is not searchable in a podcast player. So if someone's like searching for your course title to like subscribe to it, it's not there. But then at the next layer is that Sally's feed. If Sally stops paying or ask for a refund, I, as the teacher can say, Oh, don't give her any more things right.
Lindsay Padilla (19:30):
To remove that podcast feed. So that's there, there are nuances of we obviously, so it plays on any podcast player that takes a unique URL and RSS feed URL. So it's not every single one. It's not Spotify. It's not like Google podcasts and a couple others. So that's okay. But yeah, Apple podcasts and like overcast and you know, a lot of popular Android players all work. And so the, the way you can set it up on your own phone, like, I can't control the preferences as the teacher. So because it depends on what you're playing it in, but what's cool about that is you know, a question we get a lot is like, well, why can't they, why can't I just do an MP3? Like, why does it have to be? And it's like, yeah, I don't know about you, but have you ever actually downloaded all the lessons that have MP3s, they end up somewhere weird on your computer.
Lindsay Padilla (20:27):
They're not named appropriately. You don't know how to get them to get them [inaudible]. So it's messy. And like, and it's funny because people were like, Oh, well I put an MP3 in my lesson. I'm like, yeah. And like, are we even watching on our phones? These like in Kajabi, Kajabi has an app. I would say they're probably the most furthest along on that. But like most people have to sit down at a desktop to like do the work and that's the hard part. Right. And the desktop has all the notifications and all the things. So we were just trying to bring it down to how can we allow people to get access to the content quickly? It doesn't mean that's the entire course. But yeah. And then as that developed and started to get even more nuanced. So we sold this originally under something called podcaster course last fall.
Lindsay Padilla (21:19):
And now yesterday we just wrapped up our Hello Audio launch. So it was renamed and the software's coming out in about a month. We renamed it, hello audio, because at the end of the day, it's not even about courses anymore. Like people are using it for their summits. They're using it for their audio books. They're turning their webinars into audio feeds. So you could actually have a marketing kind of thing that someone subscribes to, they get a link, all your free shit is just like there instead of just the Facebook live. And so we have this vision of like integrating with YouTube and zoom and Facebook groups and all of that. So it just catches all your new videos says, Hey, you want to make this and put this in one of your feeds. And then you decide we'll also have a public facing podcast.
Lindsay Padilla (22:05):
So essentially where outlive sitting [inaudible], if you will, we're just like setting up hosting and delivering in a way that fits marketers and reintroducing them to audio as a way of meeting your people, whether they're.
Sally Hendrick (22:21):
have your public facing podcast, that's always feeding into, Hey, if you want to hear this, this is correct. Here's the numbers. That's brilliant. That's awesome. Yeah.
Lindsay Padilla (22:31):
Yeah. So we're super excited about it.
Sally Hendrick (22:33):
So that's what you've been working on then. I mean, obviously you did it before, but now you've been selling,
Lindsay Padilla (22:39):
We got really serious. And like when COVID hit, like, so thinking about March, like I restructured my business, we were always working on hello, audio. It wasn't called it that yet. But it was actually at that moment that I was actually going to add another like group coaching program after BBB people needed the next thing.
Lindsay Padilla (22:59):
And we were planning this like advanced, you know, higher ticket thing and it hit, and I was like, I need more time. And like, I actually am really excited about this. I should double down what's working, which was my Encore, Social low ticket funnel, double down on that. Don't add anything new to the plate and create, and keep that space open for building Hello Audio, like building a SAS company. And that was, that was, it was like, COVID kind of woke you up. Right. It was like a splash of like water on you. And you're just like, Oh shit. Like, what do I really want to do? Like there's no fucking around anymore. Like what do I, what am I here to do? And it was just like really clear, like, keep it simple and like go with what's working right now. So
Sally Hendrick (23:45):
Well, that's cool. Yeah. I love it. I did a launch, my very first launch. It was just, it was not a very public launch. I just really invited my email list and my Facebook group. And so I had a couple hundred people ready to go through this teaching that I was doing about basically teaching saying, here's how you make your ad soar, but then teaching the sales funnel process and the ads funneling process, that whole thing. And of course at the end, then I sold the sales funnel generator. So it's like, look cool to have all these things that you need to create, but here's an easy way to do it. Right. So the night before my webinar, Facebook shut down my business manager,
Lindsay Padilla (24:38):
Oh, I saw this. I reached out to you cause I was like, I don't want that to happen. It's literally my bit, that's so funny. Yup. Yup.
Sally Hendrick (24:44):
I had lots of fingers for Facebook that night or the next day or whatever it was, whatever it was. All I knew was that I wasn't going to be able to retarget anyone. And because I had to start from scratch with a brand new account, I wasn't even able to upload email addresses to target anyone because I had no track record and I had to put new pixel on my side and I was like, do I, maybe I'll get the old one back. So I don't want to lose that. So how do I get it on there twice? And then how do, I mean, it was like, Whoa, and I've probably spent three or four hours. Fortunately I know how to do all that stuff. If I hadn't known how to do all that stuff, I would have been in trouble. You know? So I just really, I ended up spending devil on my ads because I needed to get people to understand that my webinar was a good webinar to watch. So I created a miniature version. I'm silent movie version of my webinar,
Lindsay Padilla (25:53):
A silent movie. Wait, tell me more. Was it like VSL? Like just like text.
Sally Hendrick (26:01):
It was okay. You know how, when you do slides like Google slides or PowerPoint or whatever, mine's on Google. And so if you just hit the button, it'll just run through your slides. And my slides had animation and everything would, they were all like really nicely done. And so I, I basically went through and just recorded myself, going through the slides. And then I went back and I made really big summary, almost like captions, but it wasn't captions. It was just like, this is what this is. These are the main of what the slide means. And so I was like, this is what these types of ads look like. And then my slides had boom, boom, already. This is what this means. Boom, boom, boom. And then I added like the entertainer piano music, and I added some other piano music to it. And I mean, I spent like two hours, three hours editing this video the day after I had done my webinar, it was a 90 minute webinar and I narrowed it all the way down to five minutes.
Sally Hendrick (27:14):
Nice. Yup. Yup. I ran that as my ads to the most obvious audience selections that I possibly could because I had no website traffic. I did cold, so totally cold, mostly cold, but I'm also remember I also had Instagram and Facebook page traffic and video viewers and all that. So I at least had that and I was able to make lookalikes and different things to get a really good audience. And and I sold it. I mean, I've got plenty of people in and I really made my emails good for the people who had signed up for it. And I ended up extending it to my entire email list and it worked out, but it was the most fucked up launch.
Sally Hendrick (28:07):
But somehow in that pressure, the creative part of it just really used out of me to make it work. Yup. And, and I didn't even get it. I mean, it was stressful just because it was a lot of work to figure out, but I didn't let it rattle me in any way. And I wasn't even angry. Like, you know, you can get really angry when things like that happen. Totally frustrating. But I was just like, nah, I'll just figure it out. So now that inspired me because I'm a big piano music person that inspired me now. I've been writing songs and playing the piano and they are weird Al Yankovic style, social media face COVID quarantine songs. It's just ridiculous. If they're covers, they're all covered. That's a long story short, let's go back to like where you are as far as like, what is it that you see as being something hopeful coming out of this because we've had challenges and opportunities to go through, but what's, what's the next big thing.
Lindsay Padilla (29:26):
Ooh. I mean, audio, audio, audio that, so yeah. I like, I like this question because I do think there's you know, just a lot of like burning shit
Lindsay Padilla (29:41):
Down that's happening and rebuilding and restructuring and as a sociologist, that's what I taught. Right. So I think there was this whole big moment where like, people are like, Oh, everything's made up. And it's like, yep, it's all made up. Like we get to decide what this looks like. And I think COVID really made us realize that. And I don't think it's over in any way, shape or form. I think there's going to be some really, really interesting things that are going to happen economically. But this idea that the U S government actually sent people, checks. I actually have this whole thought about applying for like the PPP loan and, and some of the stuff that I had as a business owner that cash that I had access to that the typical like main street American did not have access to.
Lindsay Padilla (30:24):
It was just evidence about how this country totally values businesses and in such a way that it does not have value the individual worker, which I have thoughts on that, but that's not what this is about. Any worker. Yeah. All the way pictures at the statue in Hungary. There you go. Yeah. Heck yeah. Workers of the world unite. Yeah. So you know, I think it, it revealed a lot of the, like yeah, really built in problems in this country which were also experiencing with everything that is happening this June. And so I think there's a chance here to really be like committed to change things because we recognize how ingrained it is and like, and that when it burns down, we can rebuild it. And so same with the college system. I think I'm going to be watching that very closely to see what changes happen as it relates to online education as it relates to yeah.
Lindsay Padilla (31:19):
The need of some of these schools and what that means for colleges and degrees and all of that. So yeah, I mean, I could have commentary on so many different layers to it, but I think the hopeful part is the conversations that we're having now seem to have. Yeah. I mean, it's heated shit is serious on Facebook when it comes to like a lot of unfriending and a lot of blocking and a lot of tough conversations. I'm here for those too, but just like, yeah. And within an election, you're at that, it's just, it's a lot, it's a lot. And I think there's a chance for people to realize the other part of the sociologist in me comes out that says, like we are living in a moment in history and we get to impact it. So it's like in our face that we can have an impact on what's going on in the world.
Lindsay Padilla (32:12):
And when I used to teach that in sociology, it's actually really hard to get people to realize that by just voting or by just going to a March, that doesn't seem like it's going to change anything, wearing a mask or anything. And everyone always thinks as an individual, they don't have an impact, but that's just not true. And we're historical agents like acting. And so we're gonna look back on this and have to talk to our kids about the actions that we took in this very, very pivotal moment. And, and that I think it's actually showing us more quickly that that is true. Having taught through you know, I, I was, I remember the day I had to walk into my classroom. I remember exactly what class it was. I'm trying to see if I can remember my students' faces, but I remembered the dropdown pull down like overhead projector. It was at Monterey Peninsula college. I remember walking in and having to talk about Trayvon Martin and that's when black lives matter. Literally the hashtag was created years ago. And I remember it. And I remember that moment and being like, Whoa, like this is so fucked up. And I, I was able to teach through that and then, and then occupy wall street, and then I could go down the list of all the things,
Sally Hendrick (33:24):
Percent percent they lived behind me on legislative Plaza form.
Lindsay Padilla (33:30):
It was talk about it. That is a whole other social movement that I could make commentary on. However, so in here we are right. And all of this is happening and people are like, Oh, this isn't going to change anything. And I'm like, no, but,
Sally Hendrick (33:42):
But it is, it
Lindsay Padilla (33:44):
Is happening. And I think that's the other part too, is like it, it is very different. What's going on right now? I was, I was kind of my analysis was yeah, Trayvon happened and they came up with black lives matter as a hashtag. And it got traction on Twitter. I mean, it stayed, I mean, clearly it stayed. However, the social media world looks very different. So like who's on Facebook now who wasn't on Facebook eight years ago. I mean, a lot of the boomer generation is sitting there. Like they've been there now. They weren't there eight years ago. And Twitter looked different even eight years ago. And Instagram like re posting tweets. Like the world is different here. And information is getting to different segments of the population that didn't exist eight years ago. And so it takes time. And I mean, amazing for the women that started it in Oakland and we're looking back and being like, this was such an important and the fact that we still have to defend what it means.
Lindsay Padilla (34:39):
It's fascinating. And this was always happening this whole time. And maybe this time is the tipping point and it's great to look and be like, Oh, more people are getting it. And it, it doesn't necessarily happen over, right. It looks like it happens overnight. It looks like, Whoa, this is crazy. But you look back and you can see all the social movements that have brought us to this level where we get to decide if we want it to be different or not. Are we committed for two, it being different this time. And I think being a business owner versus being a professor, I'm like playing with that too, because I did powerful stuff, I think in my classroom. And I got to impact my students in that way. But now I have a business that hires people that generates wealth for myself and puts wealth back out there.
Lindsay Padilla (35:27):
And I'm looking at that power and watching what, how the business community has come together with everything that's going on right now. And I'm like, Oh, we can overnight go. I'm going to commit to not, you know, to being an anti-racist business, I'm going to do this, this, and this. These are actions, an institution like academia. They take a little bit more time to adjust. And so that's the cool thing that I'm noticing is like, Oh, I have like so much power over where my money goes because I have more of it. And all those kinds of things that I'm starting to realize and power to the teachers out there doing that work right now. But this is what I meant to do, and this is now how we can impact. And I think I've been now surrounding myself with other business owners. We're committed to the same things as me. You have the same values and like what a cool way to make change. And it just looks a little different than when I was teaching and stuff.
Sally Hendrick (36:22):
It's good. I think, I feel like, Oh, we can talk for another hour, but not everybody's going to listen for that long. So they might go to the podcast episode if they might listen to. Yeah, exactly. And that's where this is going and you've got your hello audio thing going, I've got my sales funnel generator thing going, but then shout your cause is what this is about. And I'm highly hitting my platform. I've really hit my platform because the things that I'm moving into, like I'm getting ready to apply for a research grant. In a couple of weeks. And I had a meeting on it yesterday and I'm just like, Ooh, you know all these things going through my head, but it's all about COVID recovery for social programs, et cetera, and research and all of these things.
Sally Hendrick (37:22):
And I've already come up with this entire scheme of what that my project is going to be nice. So I'm just hoping I'll get funded for it. If I do, that's a two year commitment. So that totally changes the way my business turns. But I can still have the business. The nice thing is, is that coming into this, those of us who have created our businesses and had already have, you know, the microphone and the things, and we've done all of the, yeah. We're so much further ahead than the first one that just turned on zoom for the first time I had been paying for zooms for five years.
Lindsay Padilla (38:03):
So you're like welcome to the party. I know that was always, that was a wake up call.
Sally Hendrick (38:09):
They're like, what is zoom? And I'm like, what do you mean? What is zoom? I was like, Oh, so we bought those stocks when they first went public.
Sally Hendrick (38:19):
Yeah. And they did that on purpose. You know, they did that whole, we're going to provide this for K-12 this semester for free. It's like, I was like smart move guys. Yeah. All right. Well, thank you so much for coming on. I think we should probably do a followup a few months later. Cause I think life is changing so fast, so true that we're going to have three weeks. That'll be a whole day. Yeah, I know. I know that it will be different, especially with the, I, you know, I look at the databases every single day.
Lindsay Padilla (38:56):
I know it is dangerous looking super dangerous looking. It's such a bummer and it's so it was so obvious too. It sucks. Yeah. Yeah. Science, science, and math. Wow. And then sociology. Oh, well, and then add the layer of the human group on top of it. Yeah. That's always fun.
Sally Hendrick (39:18):
And at election, so here we go. All right. 2020, we're going to, we're going to close it out with, with a huge spark, a huge bang, right? Yeah. All right. Well thank you so much for coming on.
Lindsay Padilla (39:30):
And it was good connecting again. Yeah, for sure. Thanks.
Sally Hendrick (39:41):
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