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Welcome back to shout your cause. Everybody I'm so excited today to have another TikTok online with me and his name is Jared. He is a nurse who was out there fighting misinformation around COVID and the vaccines and so on and so forth. Jared, welcome.
Thank you very much for having me you'll know me as the dictator of the house of petty musclesandnursing on TikTok.
Let's just get right into it. And tell me a little bit about you and what's going on and how you got into this.
So at the beginning of the pandemic, I actually worked as a health and wellness nurse and I worked out of a gym and I I'm a personal trainer and then COVID hit and obviously gym closed down and started working in the hospitals and it just, after working in the hospital for, you know, probably about a year and just seeing everything that was going on, I had to get out of the hospital. It's too much. Nurses are dealing with so much PTSD and just so much stress and short-staffed and the whole, how everything was handled. So I got out of there. I started working as a wound care nurse. And then one day I, you know, I discovered TikTok and I was going through and I felt like I had something to fight and it really was more of calling to task.
The, like the boards of nursing and the American nurses association and governing boards for their absolute failed leadership when it comes to them. Speaking out against, you know, the governors that signed their communications and made a hit, and I slowly started making more. And then I got, I started getting I guess you could say pushback from the anti-vax side. And just the sheer, the sheer just blatant lies that they were saying and how dangerous they were. I felt that I needed to say something. And so I started speaking out against it and that's how we got here.
So when it comes to the timeline of this, give me a little reference of when you started messing around on TikTok.
I started messing around and TikTok, I would say probably January of this year. And you know, I have this year. Yes. I would, well, no, I, I, it was probably around December of last year, this year. I really started kind of, I still, it's still pretty new. But I gained a lot of followers really, really fast because there's a need for it. There's family members and other nurses and family members, I, for claim to fame, I have a full, an entire senior high school class got vaccinated from watching my videos educating so that they could have a normal graduation that's here the whole class. Yeah. So that that's really cool.
Yeah. Well, I mean, you want to have an end of award to this and obviously we'll want it to save lives. We're wanting our families to be safe. But another thing that I've thought about this week was sometimes I can be a little snarky about this because I just, I just feel like I know a whole lot of more information than the regular Joe blow out there. So sometimes it makes us angry and it makes us feel like we may be just, I don't know, like we, like, we, we might come across as a little bit too snarky at times, and that may not come across to our audiences. And the way that I was thinking about it this week was, you know, what, if people don't realize that I actually really care about them, but I'm also protecting myself from having to go through a tragic loss of someone in my family or someone I love. That's really where this goes.
And that's, and that's for me. And that's my thing. I mean, with my, you know, growing up, you know, I'm, so, you know, I'm a, I'm a foster care alumni age out as an orphan. I learned very quickly in life that that I learned very quickly in life that sometimes interacting with somebody, with kids, is just not, it it's not going to get through. And especially when you're coming from somebody who is spreading this information and anti-vax information, you know, people, they in my, and my beliefs, like I'm not going to don't call policemen, because this has nothing to do with being civil, because what they're doing is putting people's lives on the line. They're there, they're putting people's lives at risk. So I don't hold anything back because it's not, I believe that there's a, there's, there's a place and a time for civil discussion and true, you know, discussion when it comes to vaccine hesitancy and those things. But when you were blatantly lying, I don't feel that, that I believe it's all a game board. Okay. And if you're going to put those players and those pieces on the table, and I'm going to respond.
You'll have people that are arguing back you, but they don't actually have information that they can find and give to you. Their information is just something they're repeating exactly like a name or somebody's speech or something like that. They're not actually able to go and look up real information and real data and truly understand. They're just taking someone else's word for it, because it sounds good.
Right. And if you notice with when it comes to this misinformation, it is literally a playbook. Like you can go down the list you know, misread. And also when they do their own research, they they don't know how to read the research either. Like, they take something that as if somebody was trying to hide something and that's not how it is. They don't know how to read theirs, which is the vaccine adverse event reporting system. They don't know how, but they act like it's possible. They, you know, they look at a report. They think it's real. Like there was an ivermectin report that everybody came out and said it was possible, everybody. Well, it was recently retracted. And the people who wrote it, they lost their, they lost her ability to like to practice. They were stripped of their ability. And they lost their labs because it was all falsified.
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When you talk about this, is it ivermectin, right? What you said, right? What does that mean? Because I don't know anything about ivermectin.
So ivermectin, when we first, when COVID first hit, there was this literally a scramble to find medications that could possibly work hydrochloric and ivermectin were initially thought to be effective. They were not, they have done study after study proving that they are not effective. And they're dangerous. Ivermectin is the, a dewormer for horses, literally. So, and there was a study put out and it was published through the landset through the landset and it, it was debunked. They retracted it. I believe it was two weeks ago because they found out that the information that the scientists provided was all falsified. And it came from, is there, it's such a rabbit hole when you go down with some of the stuff, but it always comes back to money. And the big thing it was called evidence-based medical research that was based out of England and come to find out, it was just one doctor who was pushing Mac. Anybody that you see spreading this information is I am one of my biggest posts that I ever made was the anti-vax movement is a multi-level marketing scheme. And it is every person you see, who's really spreading the misinformation. You can go back and they are selling multi-level marketing stuff. It really is
That, I saw that video of yours, and I remember laughing at that whole concept. And it was like, yeah, I think you're probably right on that.
Yes. And then what happened was, and then what happened was what was really funny is I got so much pushback and they tried to take the post down and and it didn't work. And then my account got white listed because I also do volunteering with the world health organization for operated operation for this. Because it's not just America that is dealing with this, the whole world. We're never going to get out of this until the whole world gets vaccinated. Never. It's not going to happen. Look at him. He got India has India has 4 million people dead Brazil, just two days ago, clocked in a hundred thousand people dead. Like it's it's we cannot, I think humanity, we can't grasp the magnitude of death that we have seen in this world, from this virus. And so when I see ivermectin studies or any of those, things like that, when people are acting like they're gospel, I get really upset because that's family members, that's mothers, daughters, sons, that they have lost while Americans are throwing away vaccines.
It is very sad, especially now I was looking at the stats yesterday, or the day before Tennessee has gone from two to 300 a day, just 1500 a day in the last month. And it's like, you know, it may not feel like a lot to you. We're talking about 6 million people in the state and may not feel like a lot to you, but what happens is it will escalate so fast. It exponentially that people will they'll spin their heads and not know what happens, and it's going to happen to the unvaccinated. And I don't want to say, okay, I'm vaccinated. You're, you know, I'm good. You just move on and go on with your life. Because at the end of the day, you know, I've got, I've got five year old nieces and eight year old cousins, and you know, all of this and it's like, this is scary. This could be really scary. And I don't want people to have to see it that way.
I get it. Yes, you're right. It is scary. And you know what, for me I am tired of being like being accused of being a fearmonger. No, this is the truth. Like, you need to understand that if you are not vaccinated right now, like here's the deal. I respect the fact that if somebody doesn't want to take this vaccine, I respect that. Okay, that's fine. Nobody's forcing anybody to take this vaccine. Okay. You have a choice. But the problem is, is that people who choose not to get the vaccine 99.9 repeated will also choose not to follow CDC guidelines, which is social distance wear a mask. Don't go to large gatherings. Don't like, don't do that. They're not, they're not doing that. So that's why, when I say, if you're not vaccinated right now, you're going to get Delta. Because Delta, when people say it's 50% more infectious, what they don't understand is that it's 50% more infectious than the alpha variant.
And the alpha variant was 50% more contagious in the wild virus. So the original COVID that we had at the beginning of 2020. Okay. Well actually 2019, cause there now traced it back to November of 2019. Right? And that's why it's COVID-19 that, that, that wild variant alpha went up 50 Delta went up 50 and people, I love, I love the argument. Oh, you know, it's just going to get worse and worse or, you know, it's, you know, it's government made or whatever, when you, I have a really good analogy. If you take a piece of paper, you put it into a car, you take a piece of paper with an intricate design, you put it into a copy machine and you copy it. Then you take the copy, you know, the, the copy product, but prints out. And then you copy that and you do that over 300 million times. You will not have the same picture you start out with. So that's what I'm hearing. It's come from. And such as Tennessee, I have three nurses that I talk to regularly. I have nurses all over the country world that I speak to on a daily basis. Tennessee's an infer, a world of hurt right now. And it's terrifying, but people need to know the truth.
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I was very upset when the CDC dropped the mass guidelines. I was very upset about, yeah, they should've never done that ever. Because that was, I get what they were trying to do. They were trying to give people who did the right thing and got vaccinated to be able to give them some freedom. You know what I mean? Just say, you know, we're, we're coming out of this. We thought that we were going to get more people vaccinated and they should've never done that ever. They, should've never done that. And that's why we're seeing the spread that we're seeing now. Of course, they reversed their guidelines today. People who are vaccinated need to wear a mask as well. Everybody needs to wear a mask. I just I don't, I think it's to be fair. It's, it's too late. It's too late. I still recommend people going, going and get through your vaccine. There's, there's a major uptick in, you know, and I'll get back to theme. The problem is, is it takes six weeks for you to be fully vaccinated. You know, you get your shot two weeks, you get your nother shot two weeks, then you're fully vaccinated. That one shot isn't gonna, you know, don't give yourself a sense of false security.
Now let's move into talking about the testing. There's a new test that's coming out. And I would rather, you kind of speak on that because I don't know all the details.
Okay. Yeah, sure. So when COVID first hit we needed tests. We needed, we needed to be able to test for COVID. So the FDA issued emergency use authorization. We call those E ways which the emergency use authorization means that they have done all, they're doing the production at the same time as they're doing their they've already finalized the testing. Okay. There's always the follow-up a six month follow-up afterwards. What the E way does, the emergency use authorization cuts out the follow-up, but they've already done all the clinical trials. It's just, they're cutting out that extra six months of follow-up they've already met all the safety protocols, everything. So anyways, the FDA issued emergency use authorization for several tests. Those tests only tested for COVID. They didn't test for the flu, but there was two separate tests that you would get for it, why we didn't have so much flu during the winter last month or last year is because people were masking.
They were social distancing. So that's why the flu is not COVID, it's harder to catch the flu. The flu has a 1.3 are not, and the are not determines if you are infected how many more people will you, in fact, so variant of COVID was the, are not, was too okay. As we get into Delta, deltas are not is six. Okay. And we also have seen super spread, super spreaders. It's a phenomenon that we have that somebody who's infected will actually infect 30 people, 20 to 30 people. Delta is so infectious. So going back to the testing, we only had one test. Okay. several companies made them, but it was one test. Well, we're coming into flu season now and we need to be able to test for flu. So to be able to do this, the FDA has approved. Okay. So it's not an emergency use authorization. The FDA has approved a multi test so they can test for flu. And COVID at the same time while the anti-vax movement is trying to say, oh, look, COVID is never real. They were never testing for the flu. It's all a hoax, yada yada, no, we were only testing for COVID the CDC and the FDA is removing their emergency use authorization for that because we have a federally approved test that tests for both,
A lot of people are saying that if, well, if you're taking one test, then you're mixing it all up. And it's like, no, there is advanced testing, very similar to what police do when they pull somebody over and maybe they're testing for drugs, they do, you know, one swab or whatever it is that they need as a sample. And they put it into their tube and then their litmus test or whatever is going to tell them, oh, there's cocaine in here. There's methamphetamine, there's marijuana or something else. And, or, you know, whatever it is that they're testing, they will, they can do, you know, they can test for a lot of things with just one little, one little kit. Whereas in the past, when it came to flu versus COVID you either tested for flu or you tested for COVID. And when people first started getting sick before they even knew what COVID was, people were only testing for flu and it would be ruled out.
People would be deathly ill. And they're like, I was so, so sick. And they said it wasn't the flu. And then that got pneumonia and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And it ends up that it was COVID. So now they're able to go one swab and we can tell if there are remnants of SLU. And if we can also tell if they're remnants of COVID. So now we'll be able to tell both now what I would like to know is, do you think that when people go in to test for tests for anything that they're going to say, okay, I'm going to test you now. And this is going to test you for the flu and for COVID. Do you think that anybody will be like, oh no, just test me for flu. Don't test me for COVID.
That's already happened. That happens now. I had an interaction a while back with a mother who brought her child into the ER. And when you come into the ER, your protocol is, is if you are having, if you have throwing a attempt, if you're having trouble breathing if you have a cough, if you come into the hospital, you are getting tested for COVID period, because there are protocols that need to be, we are in the middle of a global pandemic. Okay. And so there are protocols in place. She refused to allow her child to get tested for COVID, as she's like, she insisted that she wanted the flu just the flu checks. We need to test you for COVID too kids still get COVID. So, but deaths that's going happen. People people are gonna say, well, I don't want a test. And well, what do you want us to do? We can't, we're not going to be able to perform the measures that we need to do, unless we have a result of either flu or COVID flu is treated differently than COVID
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We need to be able to test for that, but unfortunately I see it. Now, people are not going to be getting the flu shot this year, who normally would have, because the anti-vaxxers are now trying to convince people that it's mixed. We ethically cannot do that. It's it's consent as a nurse or a doctor. We cannot lie to you and tell you that what is one medication we're giving is another it's completely unethical. We could be sued it's malpractice. We would lose our licensing, but people are starting to say that now. And it's, we're going to have flu on top of COVID Delta. Okay. Is Delta still going to be peaking? We're not, we're not even up the curve yet. We're barely at the base of this mountain with this massive upswing. If you look at the projections of the, IHM international health monitoring for the COVID projections, chill, a hundred thousand cases of COVID okay. People testing positive for COVID and then a thousand deaths a day which is basically we're back to square one again.
And God forbid, we get to the point where the vaccinated are back to square one. I mean, what's Lambda going to do, what are the, all the variants going forward going to do? It's like all of a sudden we're going to be starting over again.
That is a fear and it is it's, it isn't possibility. The Lambda variant was first identified in Peru. It is the number one number one, COVID variant in Peru. But Peru doesn't have as, as good as a healthcare system or like scientific facilities, science facilities, as we do like labs that we do in the United States, what Landa has been shown is been shown to not only evade the natural immunity, if you bought the wild variant just to your listeners. Now, if you've had COVID, you are not immune to getting COVID again, I had COVID twice pulmonary scleroderma at the bottom of my lungs. My lungs are glass. Okay. So you can get it again. The Lambda variant is able to avail a bait, not only the natural immunity, but they're seeing ability for it to actually evade our vaccine immunity. So if the Lambda variant recombinance with the Delta variant, we're back to square one. That's terrifying.
We talked earlier before we started recording about these 12 large anti-vax people with agendas, et cetera, the dirty dozen, if you will, because you've give a little bit more background on that.
So they were first identified to me and the group that I work with with world health organization, there was a, a paper put out. It was a research paper that came out of Germany of they were able to track all the misinformation that was on the internet, social media sites, wires, literal fires that were going door to door to people. And they were able to track it back to 12 people that altogether, they probably spent close to $16 billion. So when people say big pharma, I say big MLM, because each one of these 12 are multi-level marketing. You know, people like they sell their own natural oils and supplements and things like that. They identified 12 of them, the largest one being Joseph Mercola, owns whole foods. Okay. He has a major, he's got a huge online you know, nature nature, homeopathic remedy, online site that has spent millions of dollars spreading anti-vax information.
And that's why it recently, you know, they recently became national news just recently. Now I've known that about them for a long time, and I've been posting against them for a long time, but it's finally made in inroads into national news media. It was, there was, there was a report recently out of the UK that people, social media influencers came forward to say they were being offered money to spread anti-vax. And so what I encourage your listeners to do is that when they see a Facebook post, or when they see a Twitter, you know, a tweet or something like that, going against the vaccine, drill down and look at what website are they going to bring you to, and who hosts that website and who pays for that information to be on that website. And it will go back to one of those 12.
You know, you know, what's scary about this, and I'll tell you, there's, there's also bigger consequences on clicking on those links. And there's a lot of changes that have happened recently with apple phones, with the iOS update for it was, it was the 14 iOS 14 recently, and I'm in the Facebook advertising space. And one of the things that we do, which is very effective in getting information in front of people again and again, to really convince them to like, come buy our thing or come over here and look at what we're doing or come join my program. One of the things that happens is you put tracking codes on websites. And when someone clicks over from Facebook over to that website, Facebook then can identify that that was the person who went to the website and then the person doing the advertising can actually go make an audience of the people who clicked over to the website, and then they can run ads just to those people.
So I'm very, this is something I know that politicians have a lot of politicians have done a lot of entrepreneurs do it. I do it. I do it as an agency owner. I do it as an agency, as a Facebook ads expert. And what ended up happening was apple stepped up and decided we're not going to allow all of this extra tracking from websites back to Facebook, and also Instagram because that's owned by Facebook as well. And they stepped up and said, we're not going to allow that. And so whenever, I don't know if you noticed, but if you have an iPhone whenever you go to an app, it'll say, do you allow tracking or not? And so every person is asked if they want to allow the site to track them or not. And a lot of people are obviously opting out and saying no.
And so what that does, it makes it so that if you click on a link online to go over to a website, they're no longer able, if you're on an apple device, they're no longer able to track it back to you via Facebook and Instagram, and then send you further information. And I think that a lot of it was because of what's happened with COVID. That's why apple decided to step up and create that block. Now I've had to work on different ways of getting back in front of people anyway. You know, cause there are ways of doing it, but it's usually the most interested people who were giving over their email addresses as to the ones that you can get back in front of. So now the technology has got this block, but before, if you clicked on that stuff, you were very much a target to get more information later. So that ads and different things would come up that would continue to push you further and further and further into that rabbit hole of misinformation. I was just going to say, so even though it can be used for a good thing to really help these small businesses perform really well, it can also be used for evil with something like this. So
True. And I don't know. Do you remember do you remember that Cambridge Analytica fiasco with Facebook? So what people don't remember. Okay. and this ties into the whole anti-vax and finding their target and things like that, because what happened is, and we'll tie this all I'll tie this altogether, Cambridge Analytica, if you had a Samsung phone and you had download messenger, Facebook messenger onto your phone, they were actually able to not only get your messenger information, but they were Facebook had your voicemails and your text messages outside of their app. Apple wouldn't allow them to do that. Apple stopped that, but anybody who had a Samsung or an Android operating system and you downloaded those two apps, your information was theirs. And that was, that was kinda, that was kind of terrifying.
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When it comes to COVID misinformation, what happened? One of the biggest targets that they always have is pregnant or soon to be conceiving mothers. And they will, we'll find out if you click on one of those links and then you start looking at, you know, infant meal or going to like Etsy and looking at, you know, cribs and things like that. They'll be able to start targeting you for that. So it's just, it's, it's so insidious, you know, it's so insidious.
Yeah. I know. I know exactly about that. I know exactly how that works, but I don't use it. I don't use it for evil.
No, it's fine. And I respect, I respect it. I absolutely do. I mean, I love the fact that sometimes I'll log in and I'll be like, I'll buy things from, you know, advertise things that you guys, people like you advertise to me. I do it all the time.
So the last thing I wanted to touch on that we had talked about beforehand was that insurance companies are really looking at things. We didn't see increases in insurance premiums for our health care for 2021 going into the renewals, but going into the 20, 22 renewals. I heard in through the grapevine and you've heard through the grapevine that the underwriters are all chatting it up and the actuaries are crunching the numbers. And even though the government, you said something about the government gave insurance company waivers to be able to get extra reimbursement from the government, et cetera
Oh, the cares act. Okay. Care fact. And also when they, when they did the stimulus, when they did the stimulus the, the, I think I forgot what the name of was, but when they did the stimulus, the first time they included insurance companies they were told to insurance companies were directed and told to offer waivers for COVID care, meaning, you know, testing, those kinds of things, anything that had to do with COVID related care. They, they, insurance companies were told to issue waivers continued into the cares act, but that expires very soon. And insurance companies no longer have to cover, you know, that 20% of normal, you know, hospital costs and hospital bills for COVID like for worst case scenario, COVID, you're looking at $3 million. So if you think 20% of $3 million, that's a lot of money.
There are a lot of cases that run up those numbers. But I do know that they, they will work them with a fine tooth comb. I used to be the actuary for I used to be the actuary for a group of hospitals here in Nashville. And one of they had a program where the government would reimburse them for certain situations, but other situations that were not part of that program, but it was so that they would serve the general public because you've got private hospitals that don't have to serve the general public. They can say, oh, you don't have insurance. I'm sorry. You probably need to go over here instead. And they will transfer you out. Whereas you've got the public hospitals and they have to serve people who come through the door, especially through the emergency room. And if that, if that arrangement wasn't there with the government, they wouldn't be serving those people.
People don't understand how much money we have spent as collective in the United States on COVID response, just in healthcare alone. You're looking at trillions of trillions of dollars of not only lost revenue with hospitals, but also incurred cost. And what we can, we can safely assume that there's gonna come a point where, because our our healthcare system is a for-profit healthcare system, whether you like it or not, that's just where it is. Somehow these healthcare companies are going to find a way to not absorb those costs. They have to pull a profit. And the only way to absorb a cost is to put it back on people who buy your product. So, I mean, buckle up kids cause it's going to get real expensive. Soon.
I am concerned about that. I'm very concerned. I was one of the people who created those costs. I'm the one who went in and evaluated all that stuff and came out and said, this is what the premium's going to be. And I did it mostly for worker's comp and medical malpractice, insurance, and other types of liabilities. But I definitely understand how it works on the health insurance side of the table. And those numbers, I think, are going to be shocking to everyone I'm afraid. Now, maybe there'll be something that will curtail it from entering the general public, you know, bills if you will. But I think it's going to be it. Maybe it would be mitigated somewhat for a while, but it's going to be difficult for everyone to absorb that across the board. And if we don't get our act together, this is just going to keep going and keep going and keep going.
Nothing is going to change until the whole world is vaccinated. Okay. Dell, first of all, let's look at this. It took one person being infected by a zoonotic virus, okay. Or a nosocomial, which is not [inaudible] but as a zoonotic, meaning if you went from an animal to man COVID did right before you come from me, they just, they just released a study where they found DNA from like, from like back, like during paleolithic, when man first walked the earth, they found DNA markers of the COVID virus. The COVID has COVID has been around with us for hundreds of thousands of years. Okay. So they found those markers. So this was a COVID virus with one man that started in east Asia that traveled the entire globe. And Delta did not come from the United States. Delta came from India. Okay. The alpha variant was from UK until we get the world vaccinated. We cannot get out of this mess.
Sometimes I lie awake at night and I'll be like, what? You know, what is really going on in the world? And it's almost like, you know what? This has been in the ground. This has been in the animals. This has been on the earth somewhere somehow. And some thing has released it, right. Something has released it. And it's this fight back from mother nature of like enough is enough.
Mother nature is not happy with us. Let's just put it that way. The more our polar ice caps melt, the more chances, those viruses that were alive, have a possibility to become active.
No, I always, and though I can't end on this crazy note like that because it just, it doesn't leave any, any hope. But what I do want to end on is what is your hopeful message about if everybody like starts to, you know, figure out how to look past what's happening because we've got things going on in so many directions, we've got political unrest. We have COVID-19 you have all of these things that are happening all over the world, not just here, but all over the world. What is your hope? When we get to the other side of this?
My hope is is that people, the divide that the divide, that political unrest and this virus, when it first started happening, I, I honestly had hope because I thought that would bring us together as a nation and as a nation. And as a world, we have this huge opportunity to do that. And it was unfortunately squander. My biggest hope is that there will be a change in how we interact with our fellow man, that when we say, you know, it's when we say, when we understand that our choices don't just affect us, everybody's choices affects everybody around you. And I hope that that is something we can take from this. Just realizing that choices.
This nice big [inaudible] like, we're all here, we're all around the same table we need to, we need to understand each other and not keep being so individualistic.
It is okay to listen to somebody's concerns and fears. And it's also okay to refuse, to listen to somebody when they are giving you a line of absolute lies. You can shut that down. You know what I mean? You don't have, you don't have to listen to that. You know what I mean? We, that's a good thing. It's a self care thing, honestly.
Yep. Well, thank you very much, Jared. I've really enjoyed talking with you today and everybody go see the show notes and you will get some information on how to find Jared on TikTok, musclesandnursing, and then that's it. We'll see you next time.
Awesome. Thank you so much, Sally, for your time. I really appreciate it.
Thank you for listening today. My name is Sally Hendrick. Be sure to visit our website for show notes and more information on how you can inspire others. If you would like to contribute content to our magazine, please apply on our website at shoutyourcause.com.